Global startup ecosystem unites for Oxygen for Indonesia to raise US $10 M

Companies, investors, and voluntary organizations all over the world have teamed together to collect 10 million US dollars to finance the Oxygen for Indonesia initiative.
The Oxygen for Indonesia alliance is gathering donations from all around the world to deliver these concentrators. Local, regional, and global-regional venture capital companies have started soliciting contributions from their investor base.
East Ventures, Sequoia India, Intudo, Goventures, Golden Gate Ventures, AC Ventures, Jungle Ventures, Asia Partners, Monk’s Hill Ventures, and Open Space Ventures are among those that have joined. Kitabisa, Pluang, Mapan, BukuWarung, Halodoc, TokoCrypto, Payfazz, Advotics, eFishery, Waresix, KAYA.ID, Bonza, Flip, and Bibit are among the startups that have joined.
An endeavor to deliver 10,000 oxygen cylinders to about 1500 institutions in the region in order to assist 30,000 COVID-19 patients.,, and the YCAB foundation will all launch donation facilities for the general public and organizations today.