InventHelp Inventor Develops New System to Remind Drivers of a Child Left in a Car (MTN-3613)

BROOKLYN, New York, July 16, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Adriano De Lacruz introduces “Adriano 3”, a system to remind the driver of an automobile that a baby or someone needing assistance has been left in a car once stopped.
The patent-pending invention provides parents or caregivers peace-of-mind by reminding them of an occupant in the rear seat of a car. The system could be incorporated into new vehicles or offered as an aftermarket product.
Multiple methods of alerting driver can be designed into the system.
The inventor is seeking a company to license and manufacture the invention. Please go to for more details including an animated video of the invention in use as well as survey results and feedback from a test group of 100 consumers.
SOURCE InventHelp