To invest in Greater China, Temasek-backed True Light raised $3.3 B

The final closing of True Light Fund I, the company’s first flagship fund, was announced by Temasek-backed unit True Light Capital Pte. Ltd. (True Light).
According to a statement from True Light, the fund was closed at $3.3 billion, with capital contributions from international investors from family offices to sovereign wealth funds.
The fund, according to the statement, invests alongside Temasek in premium investment opportunities that are connected to or have significant business ties to Greater China.
True Light Fund was listed. I make direct investments in private and public equity as well as indirect investments through venture capital and private equity funds.
It should be noted that the fund uses a theme-driven, multi-sector approach, with the life sciences, technology, consumer, industrials, and business services sectors among its key sectors.
Fund for True Light I also make long-term investments and have the versatility to do so throughout the life cycles of the companies in our portfolio.
“True Light is positive about China’s long-term fundamentals and outlook, and we continue to see attractive investment opportunities aligned with the four long-term structural trends of digitization, longer lifespans, sustainable living and future of consumption,” said Yeo Chee Kian, Chief Executive Officer of True Light.
He asserts that these tendencies are influencing Chinese innovation in the fields they will prioritize, such as the digitalization of industry value chains, novel therapeutics, integrated biotech firms, decarbonization technologies like new energy and battery solutions, and new consumption goods and services.
“Temasek has steadily built its presence in China over the past twenty years, and we are confident of its long-term track record of investing in China,
“We are grateful to our investors for their support of our inaugural flagship fund. Our investors are our valued partners, and we look forward to building deeper relationships with each of them,” he added.
As part of Temasek’s T2030 strategy, the fund has been expanding its partnership engine to scale capital in areas where it believes it can produce stable and sustainable returns over the long term, according to Temasek Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of True Light Chia Song Hwee.