Additional partners for TSE Asia Startup Hub announced by Tokyo Stock Exchange

The TSE, or Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc., has announced new partners for its TSE Asia Startup Hub. The hub was introduced on March 25 and its goal is to create an ecosystem that fosters the development of promising Asian startups.
Twenty-one venture capital firms and one bank that invest in Asian companies that are not publicly traded joined TSE Asia Startup Hub as the third group of partners, the company said in a statement last Friday.
This raises the total to 52 partners and 4 observers.
The statement claims that the Korea Development Bank is the most recent bank to join the TSE Asia Startup Hub.
CAC CAPITAL Co., Ltd., CDIB Capital Group; Cool Japan Fund Inc.; CyberAgent Capital, Inc.; Daiwa Corporate Investment Co., Ltd.; Genesia Ventures, Inc.; Global Brain Corporation; Gobi Partners; IMM Investment Japan Corp; Incubate Fund KK; IndoGen Capital; IT-Farm Corporation; JAFCO Investment (Asia Pacific) Ltd.; JIC Venture Growth Investments Co., Ltd.; KK FUND (KK Investment Management Pte. Ltd.); Monk’s Hill Ventures Pte. Ltd.; Rebright Partners Pte. Ltd.; SBI Investment Co., Ltd.; The University of Tokyo Edge Capital Partners Co., Ltd.; VentureTECH Sdn. Bhd.
TSE stated that it is working with partners to expand the TSE Asia Startup Hub program by promoting the businesses that will receive support and offering practical assistance.
TSE announced earlier in July that it will work with local and foreign partners through the TSE Asia Startup Hub to support leading Asian companies with their business development and fundraising efforts, including initial public offerings (IPOs) and other channels.
It was mentioned that since the initiative’s launch, a large number of well-known Asian businesses and numerous local and foreign stakeholders have expressed a strong desire to get involved and understood its significance.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Japan Business Federation (KEIDANREN), and the Kansai Economic Federation (Kankeiren) have all decided to support the initiative as observers. In July, sixteen new organizations become partners of TSE Asia Startup Hub.
Encouragement to choose TSE for IPOs is provided by the TSE Asia Startup Hub, an ecosystem for promising Asian companies.
Over time, the TSE Asia Startup Hub hopes to increase the number of promising Asian companies listed by better collaborating with TSE and its partners, attending to each company’s unique needs, and offering support for business development, fundraising, and initial public offerings (IPOs) in Japan.
In order to support and announce the companies in the third quarter of 2024, the TSE Asia Startup Hub will seek out Asian companies.
Eligibility will be determined by taking into account factors like valuation, intention for an IPO, audit, and relationship with Japan.