EU-funded Ugandan Green Entrepreneurship Accelerator now accepting applications

The fourth and last season of the EU-funded Uganda Green Enterprise Finance Accelerator (UGEFA), which helps sustainable Ugandan businesses expand and contribute to a green and inclusive economy, is now accepting applications.
UGEFA is implemented by adelphi Research gGmbH, a leading global independent “think and do tank” on environment and development, and Finding XY, an Uganda-based innovation centre and business advising organisation, and is completely funded by the European Union Delegation to Uganda.
UGEFA is searching for high-potential small and medium-sized businesses that are looking for financial financing to expand their operations. UGEFA focuses on SMEs in eco-tourism, renewable energy, sustainable transportation, waste management, and green manufacturing, including agro-processing.
Successful candidates will attend a series of hands-on interactive seminars to develop their business models, financial systems management, and impact metrics in order to help them expand.
The deadline to apply for the program’s last batch is April 14.