Archipelagos SME support programme opens applications for African startups

The multi-year international cooperation program Archipelagos, which aims to support the growth of African SMEs and facilitate their access to capital markets, is open to applications from African startups.
With assistance from the European Commission, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), an Italian financial institution for international development cooperation, created Archipelagos, which will provide access to a specific capacity-building program for up to 1,000 SMEs throughout the continent.
The program is delivered using a hybrid model that combines both synchronous and asynchronous components to provide a thorough and engaging learning experience. It is organized around three main areas: networking, mentoring, and training.
SMEs will have access to a broad learning catalog of online courses via the Archipelagos digital platform, with customized learning pathways based on their unique requirements and developmental stage. In addition to the asynchronous element, webinars will add to the learning process’s stimulation, engagement, and interactivity.
SMEs taking part in the program will not only receive training but also specialized support and access to a network of investors and other SMEs, giving them the chance to network and forge important business relationships on a global scale.
SMEs who show that they are prepared and have the potential to raise capital in the capital markets at the conclusion of the capacity-building program will receive specialized support and be assisted in the fundraising process.
Their ability to attract additional investors will be facilitated by the European Commission’s first-loss financial guarantee facility, which will help them structure creative debt instruments and secure funding at favorable terms.
Interested parties may submit an application up until June 30. Submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis.