Asia PacificBreaking News

$1.5 M raised by Baskit to fix Indonesia’s supply-chain issues

Traditional supply networks in Indonesia are plagued by problems. Wholesalers and distributors frequently deal with issues including product expiry losses in the supply chain, data visibility issues, and stock-outs.

Baskit is a digital platform that provides logistics support, finance, go-to-market strategies, and order visibility in an effort to streamline operations for intermediaries.

Co-founder and CEO of Baskit Yann Schuermans is certain that strengthening the supporting infrastructure is essential to accelerating the adoption of digital commerce. He characterizes Baskit as an infrastructure facilitator that assists offline distribution channels in acquiring the necessary internet functionality.

“We are focused on working with the infrastructure that already exists, helping millions of entrepreneurs to provide the right platform for digital commerce to thrive in the future, without having to rebuild what is already there,” he told as per reports.

Baskit, which was introduced in 2022, is still in its infancy. Schuermans pointed out that the company’s gross margins are nonetheless comparable to those of software companies.

He admits that firms like Sirclo, Awantunai, and NFrnds offer some services that Baskit does not directly compete with, but he does not see these firms as direct rivals.



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