Bee Focus

Ear Connect: One stop solution for professionals and patients

Ear Connect Speech (a division of Unikol Healthcare Pvt Ltd) offers advanced solutions in order to provide the desired rehabilitation, provides a wholesome diagnostic rehabilitation in accordance with the patient’s lifestyle.


Incubees: Tell us about yourself and your journey as an entrepreneur? How did you get into the digital space of ‘healthcare’?

Sanjay Kaul: I started this venture in the year 2016. We offer speech and hearing services to individuals under the brand name EAR CONNECT Speech & Hearing Clinic across various cities i.e. New Delhi, Ghaziabad, Dehradun, Jammu, Jaipur. I had started my career in the field of speech & Hearing in the year 1988 when there was no awareness and acceptance of the problems related to speech and hearing. We entered digital healthcare specifically during the lockdown period where we were offering consultations for hearing-related problems and speech therapy mainly.


Incubees: What were the objectives and vision of ‘Ear Connect’? Tell us about the services offered by ‘Ear Connect’.

Sanjay Kaul: Vision of EAR CONNECT: We envision a sound rich everyday life for everyone.

Objective: To spread awareness of speech & hearing-related problems and create acceptance.

Services: Hearing assessment, speech therapy, voice therapy, hearing aids, cochlear implants, tinnitus management for all age groups of individuals and newborn hearing screening.


Incubees: Tell us about the challenges the company has faced.

Sanjay Kaul: Challenges are faced by every entrepreneur and it makes them stronger. In the beginning of our journey, we faced demonetisation, and then the incoming of GST and the most difficult challenge was lockdown. However, whatever challenge we have faced, we have faced them headstrong. But the most challenging part in our field would be the acceptance and awareness that still needs to be looked upon.


Incubees: How much emphasis is put on innovation since innovation and growth go hand in hand?

Sanjay Kaul: Innovation in our field would be updating our knowledge to the recent research in the literature and the technological updates in terms of smart listening that we offer to patients through hearing aids.


Incubees: How do you think Ear Connect is different and unique from other healthcare start-ups?

Sanjay Kaul: The services and ethics followed by EAR CONNECT make it unique and different. Every clinic has qualified audiologists who are trained to provide the best of services.






Incubees: How did COVID-19 impact your business?

Sanjay Kaul: The risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus leads to a decrease in the number of patients. The consultations were limited to the online mode where speech therapy and troubleshooting, which could be handled online were made.


Incubees: Tell us about your team, what keeps them going?

Sanjay Kaul: The team mainly consists of audiologists and receptionists across different clinics. To keep them motivated annual get together and trainings were organised, however, amidst covid these were shifted to online sessions.


Incubees: What would you like to say to the budding Entrepreneurs?

Sanjay Kaul: To start a new journey, it is very easy however be dedicated and put all the hard work into keeping that start-up running. Don’t lose the fire inside you to achieve great milestones in your startup.


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