Additional Pre-series A funding raised by Fitness startup Doogether from Sinar Mas Group

Doogether, an Indonesian business focused on health and wellbeing, has received additional pre-series A investment from Living Lab Ventures. The investor is a partner of the CEO of listed power plant operator Arkora Hydro, Aldo Henry Artoko, and the local conglomerate Sinar Mas Group.
Existing Doogether supporters including Asiantrust Capital and Prasetia Dwidharma joined the latest round, which has an undisclosed amount.
The 2016-founded business, now known as Doofit, first provided workout booking services. To provide customers with a variety of exercise sessions, Doogtogether collaborates with over 350 sports studios, trainers, and communities.
Doospace, a recently released product by the firm, helps failing fitness studios by standardizing customer service and rebranding them as Doospace by Doogether, among other things.
Targeting fitness studios in key areas of Indonesia’s Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities will be done with the help of the new capital. According to Fauzan Gani, CEO of the firm, studios may profit from Doogether’s digital ecosystem through user traffic, demographic, and sports trend data in their local region.
Doogether received its initial pre-series A round of funding last year with support from AsianTrust Capital, Prasetia Dwidharma, and Alexander Rusli, the former CEO of telecommunications company Indosat Ooredoo.
Doogether is in direct competition with FitHub, R Fitness, and The Fit Company in the Indonesian fitness technology market.