Animoca Brands grants Open Campus Protocol’s $10 M Web3 Global Educators Fund

The gaming company Animoca Brands, based in Hong Kong, announced that it would donate to the Global Educators Fund, a $10 million grant fund established by Open Campus Protocol (Open Campus) to expand on traditional educational curricula using Web3 technologies and communities.
Open Campus is a community-led protocol for teachers, content creators, parents, and students, according to Animoca Brands in a statement.
Animoca Brands, TinyTap, GEMS Education, Liberty City Ventures, Dalton Learning Lab, and others are some of its launch partners.
The goal of Open Campus is to use Web3 to build a contemporary, international, and inclusive learning environment where parents, teachers, students, and content creators can all work together.
The COVID-19 pandemic increased the popularity of basic digitalization applications, which are the focus of many edtech approaches. However, the edtech industry is typically limited to supporting established national curricula.
Communities can produce, own, and promote the content they want to be made available through Open Campus, and educators can get paid and recognized for their efforts.
The fund provides incentives for qualified instructors or experts in the field to develop educational programs that include interactive games, slide shows, videos, and other types of content.
For the development of their courses, successful applicants can receive up to $100,000 in EDU tokens, Open Campus’ native governance and utility token.
Then, courses can be published on Open Campus launch partners like TinyTap, tokenized, and sold as Publisher NFTs, giving instructors complete control over their course content and the opportunity to make money.
“Teachers are among the most prolific and important content creators, but they often lack the funding to advance and innovate in the classroom and in their learning programs,” said Yat Siu, the co-founder and executive chairman of Animoca Brands and a member of the EDU Foundation Council.
“By supporting the Open Campus Global Educators Fund, which we believe is the first of its kind, we want to use Web3 to allow educators around the world to produce new educational content that is relevant and innovative and that can adequately prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the future,” he added.
The EDU Foundation Council member and Chief Executive Officer of TinyTap, Yogev Shelly, stated that the organization’s goal is to reach underserved communities all over the world and discuss the fundamental principles of education.
“Open Campus exists to support knowledge seekers and providers in an interdependent ecosystem. The Open Campus Global Educators Fund will allow teachers to claim upfront funding for the development of material that will have a real impact on the world,” he said.
An organization focused on blockchain, gamification, and digital entertainment called Animoca Brands is advancing the use of digital property rights and helping to create the open metaverse.
The company creates and releases a wide range of products, including original games like The Sandbox, Phantom Galaxies, Life Beyond, Crazy Kings, and Crazy Defense Heroes, as well as those that draw inspiration from well-known intellectual properties like Disney, WWE, Snoop Dogg, The Walking Dead, Power Rangers, MotoGPTM, and Formula E.