Tanzania Angel Investors Program to educate 50 angel investors, accelerate startup growth

The Tanzania Business Angel Investors Accelerator (TAA) training program has been launched by Serengeti Business Angels Network (SBAN), Ennovate Ventures, and UNCDF Tanzania to promote tech investment and startup growth in Tanzania.
Ennovate Ventures is a venture-building focused micro-fund that invests in early-stage startups in Tanzania and East Africa, while SBAN is an investment platform that supports angel investing in Tanzania by giving angel investors access to deal flow, educational resources, and networking opportunities.
in collaboration with UNCDF, which forges alliances with other UN agencies as well as players in the public and private sectors to increase development impact. The TAA was established by the three organizations with the goal of “revolutionizing tech investment in Tanzania”.
Through this initiative, fifty tech startup enthusiasts in Tanzania will receive training to become angel investors. They will also receive hands-on support, mentorship, and knowledge to help them get started on their angel investing journey. This is a component of SBAN’s broader plan to develop 1,000 engaged angel investors in Tanzania and the surrounding region by 2026.
“Tanzania has a vibrant startup ecosystem, but access to capital remains a major challenge,” said Rodrique Msechu, co-founder and network manager of SBAN. “The Tanzania Business Angels Accelerator programme will help to address this gap by training and supporting new angel investors. We are confident that the programme will play a vital role in boosting the growth of Tanzania’s startup ecosystem.”