Inaugural $64.24 M fund launched by Vertex Ventures Japan

The JPY 10 billion ($64.24 million) Vertex Ventures Japan Fund I (VVJFI), which is anchored by Vertex Holdings, is the first venture capital fund launched by Vertex Ventures Japan (VVJ).
In a statement released on Friday, VVJ said that VVJFI will continue to make use of Vertex’s extensive global network of venture capital funds and would concentrate on investing in well-established Japanese startups with strong growth potential and robust underlying growth drivers that are run by capable management teams.
Based on the robust backing of the Japanese government and the nation’s technological capabilities, VVJ was founded to capitalize on early-stage investment prospects in Japan.
Following the success of its sister funds situated in important global innovation hotspots like China, Israel, Southeast Asia, India, and the US, VVJ Fund Models were established.
The aforementioned early-stage funds are overseen by distinct General Partners and concentrate on distinct investment niches within their respective geographical areas.
Joining the Vertex global network of venture capital funds, VVJ will work together with the network’s partners and teams.
It is mentioned that Vertex Holdings jointly announced at the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) on May 16, 2024, that it will collaborate with UTokyo and the UTokyo IPC in the area of startup investment, and that the three parties will encourage human resource development and research cooperation to grow the startup ecosystems in Singapore and Japan.
Japan’s hub for deep tech innovation, UTokyo has produced a number of outstanding studies and startups.
Vertex Group is a prominent global venture capital firm that has produced numerous unicorns.
VVJ is optimistic that the three companies’ cooperation will lead to more innovation partnerships between Singapore and Japan.
Furthermore, the Japan-Singapore Public-Private Economic Dialogue, which took place on April 17, 2024, agreed to establish the “Japan-Singapore Co-Creation Platform,” which is the focal point of this initiative according to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
Vertex Ventures Japan is optimistic that through collaborating closely with the METI, it will develop into a platform that encourages cross-border cooperation between business, academia, and government, promoting technological innovation and advancement, and offering access to international markets.