Jesalism: Turning Imagination into reality

Jesal Shah Jaggi, head designer of Jesalism. She pursued her fashion degree from FAD International PUNE. ‘Jesalism’ was started in Jesal Shah Jaggis studio on 13th Feb 2018. It’s all about prints majorly! Whenever she sees some fabric, she always imagines what can be made out of the print. This imagination leads to creating outfits into reality.
Incubees: Tell us about yourself and your start-up.
Jesal Shah Jaggi: Colours do tell the story, so the prints also do. I created the first print for my Graduation show where I showcased my collection and it went to Dubai as well for the showcase. That time I realised my love for prints. Little detailing and tweaking the fabric is what I like. I wanted to create outfits that are a mix of Indian & western styles. So I started playing with prints in my designs.
Incubees: What inspired you to start a clothing brand? How has your journey been so far as an entrepreneur?
Jesal Shah Jaggi: So starting my own label came into my mind when I attended London Fashion Scout, where I was volunteering Rocky Star designer. It was a great learning opportunity, and it encouraged me to start my own label. I went to Armani Silos in Italy, where I saw how a label is born. All these trips to different fashion houses made me realise, how in the western world people are creating history with their work and continuing the legacy for almost 100 years. That’s incredible right? So that was the day I decided to start my own label and journey of fashion. As an entrepreneur, the journey is really difficult. Fashion needs a lot of investment also, so when I started it was just a master, seamstress & me. I started creating my own designs, where at first it was difficult to understand how the industry actually works. It’s not about just creating the outfit, it’s the whole story of an outfit and finding the right person who would wear it. So from sourcing to designing, finding potential customers, pricing (major role), modelling, styling, social media handling, and all these roles I had to play. So the journey till now was all about learning how to be a multitasker!
Incubees: Tell us about your clothing brand ‘JESALISM’, what are the kind of clothes you design?
Jesal Shah Jaggi: At Jesalism, we create outfits that are breathable, young, evergreen, and can be worn anytime you like! We create really limited pieces, so it doesn’t get common, prints which I select are always a little floral or maybe quirky because I think that’s the beauty of it.
Incubees: How do you think your brand is different from others as there is huge competition in the e-commerce industry?
Jesal Shah Jaggi: Talking about how Jesalism is different from other brands, my vision is not to just sell clothes in bulk, I want to keep it limited. We want to create clothes that are evergreen. You pick it anytime and you will slay. So we are the ones who are slow, steady and all set to win the race. People might not know us today, but there will be tomorrow where everyone will know.
Incubees: How have you been marketing your products?
Jesal Shah Jaggi: With marketing, we have decided to go step by step, first our own city i.e. Raipur, then nearby cities, and after that going to different cities. But social media has made things so easy that we can go easily wherever we want to, and we are working on it!
Incubees: Tell us about your team and what keeps them going?
Jesal Shah Jaggi: Our team is not an expert team, we learn, we fail, and we watch, we try, we create. At Jesalism, I am glad to say nobody has ever left the team by themselves; we have a very friendly environment, where everyone is keen to learn, and that’s what motivates our team to stay & work hard!
Incubees: What is it that you enjoy the most being an entrepreneur? Any advice to the upcoming entrepreneurs?
Jesal Shah Jaggi: Being an entrepreneur is not easy, it’s like you are on the field, chasing and tasting everything whether you like it or not. It’s a 24×7 job. You are never off duty. Your mind is always working. I love it, because from scratch till the project finishes, it’s all because of me whether it’s a super-duper heat or a flop show! That’s the beauty! So don’t fear to be an entrepreneur, it’s a multitasker’s job.
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