Kenyan Standard Chartered female-focused programme now accepting applications

The Standard Chartered Women in Technology Incubator Kenya is now accepting applications. This organization combines top-notch startup assistance with local and global expertise to support female founders and aid in the expansion of their companies.
The program, a Standard Chartered initiative in collaboration with Strathmore University’s @iBizAfrica incubator, emphasizes immersive learning, mentorship, and the development and growth of Africa’s next generation of startups with the aid of seed money.
“We are seeking to recruit the best entrepreneurial minds, women-led tech startups as key drivers of innovation in business,” the organisers said.
The program is looking for female founders of companies that incorporate elements of cutting-edge technologies into the creation of their solutions, such as blockchain, augmented and virtual reality, big data, machine learning, robotics, and artificial intelligence.
Selected startups will participate in a 12-week immersive learning experience, gain access to a network of coaching experts, and participate in B2B networking opportunities. Additionally, they will participate in customized mentoring sessions to address their specific business needs.
The top seven finalists will receive KES1 million (US $7,500) in equity-free grant seed funding in addition to nine months of ongoing support from Standard Chartered and @iBizAfrica to help with go-to-market and scale.
Applications may be submitted up until May 28.