Third edition of healthcare-focused African startup accelerator accepting applications

For cohort three of the AUDA-NEPAD Home Grown Solutions Accelerator, which aims to offer emerging and mature-stage African healthcare enterprises hands-on, highly targeted support in order to help them develop and flourish, applications are now being accepted.
The programme, which was conceptualised in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to realise the potential of local private sector solutions to strengthen the continent’s pandemic resilience, is being led by the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), with financial support from the Japan International Cooperation Agency, Boston Consulting Group, and Villgro Africa.
Since then, it has grown beyond the intended 2021 East Africa trial and is now in its third iteration. A “Home Grown Solution” and a “Home Grown Solution” labelled as a “Home Grown Solution” labelled a “Home Grown Solution” labelled as a “Home Grown Solution,” a for-profit, for-profit, for-profit, for-profit, for-
Up to the end of January, applications are accepted.