Operations launched by Egyptian tech-focused VC firm and incubator T-vencubator

T-vencubator, an Egyptian venture capital firm, and incubator with a tech focus, has opened for businesses to invest in Egyptian startups that want to digitize the country and solve the problems that its people face daily.
By encouraging local innovation and offering a platform for startups to flourish, T-Vencubator is committed to transforming Egypt’s future. The company’s core goal is to use technology to solve common problems. It describes its “Vencubation” model as a “unique blend of VC and incubation”.
“We believe that technology will solve a lot of Egypt’s problems. We’re not just putting money into startups; we’re investing in exceptional talents that are shaping the future of Egypt,” said Reem Safy, T-Vencubator’s CEO.
“The “T” in T-Vencubator signifies our core values: tomorrow, togetherness, technology, transformation, and talents, We’re paving the way for a brighter and more progressive Egypt,” said Hazem El Samra, head of growth and marketing in T-Vencubator.