DST approves Rs 110 crore to setup a Technology Innovation Hub focusing on Agriculture & Water

New Delhi The Department of Science and Technology (DST) has approved Rs 110 crore to setup a Technology Innovation Hub (TIH) in the domain of Agriculture and Water.
Abbreviated as AWaDH (Agriculture & Water Technology Development Hub), this is to bring solutions for stubble management, water quality improvement, mapping of hazardous substances in water/soil and their treatment, deployment of IoT based Cyber-Physical System (CPS) technologies in farming fields.
The prime objective of this trailblazing hub is to make agriculture a profitable industry with highly optimized resource intake.
As part of an agrarian state, it has been one of the mandates of IIT Ropar to take up research aimed at addressing Water-Agriculture related issues.
AWaDH is aimed to carry out translational research, and work with line departments to develop prototypes, finish products, and their implementation in the fields. It will provide a national platform for researchers and technologists to develop technologies and practices which can improve the overall landscape of the country in the domain of agriculture and water.
“In a world increasingly propelled by technology, Cyber Physical System is an integrated system involving Sensors, Communication, Actuators, Control, interconnected computing networks and data analytics, which will help in developing solutions and technical support for scientific breakthroughs and Innovations related to issues of Agriculture and Water in the country. This novel mission by the Central Government will help the Agriculture and Water sector in the country by exposing it to cutting edge research”, IIT Ropar Director Sarit K Das said on Saturday.