Kerala Startup Mission launches ‘Campus Green’ project for startups

Kochi: Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM), in association with departments of Higher Education and Environment of the state government, is launching a project that aims to improve environmental performance and floral biodiversity in the campuses.
Apart from merely a green challenge, Campus Green is also an initiative to encourage biodiversity initiatives on campuses, with the implementation of technology.
‘Campus Green’ Project intends to provide students and Startups with funding to support novel solutions and innovative projects to support the “greening of campus” initiative by leveraging Technology to address the sustainability challenges associated with on-campus applications.
The objective of the program is to welcome ‘implementable solutions’ from students, faculty, and startups about ways to improve the environmental performance and floral biodiversity in a particular identified campus. The program intends to contribute to the overall environmental performance of the state, foster environmental literacy, behavioral impact, community engagement, training, and learning opportunities in the green-innovation domain.
To apply and more details, please visit- The last date is September 20.
The ‘Green Challenge’ boosts the use of technology in biodiversity programmes. Selected startups will be assigned three acres of land in identified campuses to develop a greening project for two years. Student innovators can include a faculty member as an advisor.
The programme will support remote monitoring using sensors and management protocols to ensure growth and design as well as maintain landscape using emerging technologies. It will also link and leverage carbon credits or other green accreditations/accolades.
Startup Mission will support and handhold selected students team and startups during the project period.