Kalakrit, a Delhi based startup offers 100% human-based language solutions

Kalakrit is making waves in the language services industry with its unique approach of providing 100% human-based solutions for translation and voice-over service.
Commenting on this, Sehaj Kohli, Founder & CEO, Kalakrit said, “It was a conscious effort to keep native linguists as the main drivers of its services. Since the very start, we came up with various methods and systems to ensure only the native linguists and artists work on our projects. Kalakrit does not use any sort of machines or AI technology for its translations or voice overs.”
The Delhi based startup was founded in 2021 by Sehaj Kohli. Initially the company kicked off its operations with an investment of Rs 20,000. The startup offers services like translation, transcription, voice over, subtitles, dubbing and interpretation.
Unlike other startups that are focusing on AI and machine learning, Kalakrit does not rely on machine translation or automated voice-over software. The startup has employed a team of skilled translators and voice-over artists who are native speakers of the target language ensuring that the final product is accurate.
Kalakrit, which has worked on over 350 projects in 150 languages to date, assists clients with pre-delivery and post-delivery assistance.
Sehaj Kholi added, “We have already created linguist teams for Indian languages that cater to all domains and different translation styles,” says Kohli. It specialised in 15 linguistic subject domains, including finance, legal, medical, and technology. It claims that its solutions are 98-99% accurate.