DaaS, Hosted Virtual Desktops & Workspaces – New Guides and Comparison Tools Made Available By Evolve IP

WAYNE, Pa., July 22, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Evolve IP®, the world’s leading provider of Work Anywhere™ solutions, today announced that it has released four Desktop-as-a-Service assets to help guide businesses as they evaluate DaaS providers and technologies to deliver remote work strategies. Over the last few months, COVID-19 has forced businesses to evolve from temporary work-from-home scenarios to permanent work anywhere strategies, and enabling better, more secure remote computing is at the top of IT’s ‘to-do’ list. To help organizations evaluate their remote computing options, Evolve IP co-developed the following complimentary assets with industry experts and leading analysts.
Virtual Desktop Comparisons and Guides Include:
DaaS Providers – Provides a list of the top global DaaS providers and solutions, delivers an overview of the top virtual desktop technologies, and answers common DaaS FAQ.
DaaS Solutions Comparison – The latest Gartner DaaS Market Guide is now available as a complimentary download from Evolve IP. The guide provides a market overview including industry adoption, service scope, general market pricing, and representative vendors.
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure – Compare In-house & Hosted Virtual Desktops – While most mid-sized organizations have moved toward using hosted virtual desktops, some enterprise firms are still evaluating building and supporting in-house virtual desktop infrastructure. This post compares and contrasts using virtual desktop providers versus building onsite VDI.
Virtual Desktops (traditional) vs. Virtual Workspaces – For many organizations providing a full cloud desktop for each employee is overkill. This has become especially relevant with the increase in SaaS adoption. New virtual workspace solutions, leveraging single-sign-on and multifactor authentication, can deliver a unified platform for DaaS users, SaaS-only users, and users that need both SaaS and access to legacy data center applications.
“The pandemic has forced businesses to implement duct-taped fixes to enable employees to work-from-home,” said Tim Allen, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer for Evolve IP. “Now, as it has become clear that both businesses and associates have embraced remote work successfully, organizations are looking for a permanent Work Anywhere Blueprint.Hosted virtual desktops are a critical part of that strategy and these assets are a great way to begin evaluating the right providers and appropriate solutions for their organization.”
Evolve IP’s Workspaces delivers a better, more-affordable virtual desktop solution for businesses by providing a single platform for DaaS users, SaaS-only users, and users that need both SaaS and legacy data center applications. This unique market solution is enabled by the company’s Clearlogin SSO / MFA software, unified with remote end-user computing platforms from Citrix and VMware. Evolve IP is a noted authority having been included in every Gartner DaaS Market Guide since inception and being VMware’s largest DaaS CSP in the world.
Businesses can Work Anywhere™ with Evolve IP. We take the tools you’d typically use at the office, like a phone and the apps on your desktop, and deliver them from a single portal that users can access on any device. Employers are increasingly aware of the importance of a ‘work anywhere’ mindset where employees want to be more productive and collaborate in meaningful ways no matter where they are, or what time it is. Evolve IP enables employees to contribute to the business in ways that fit their lifestyles while their company’s IT becomes more secure, more dependable, and much easier to manage.
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