Skill Clan, an undergraduate clan teaching Technology to young minds

A young team of Entrepreneurs has launched a website to teach coding, robotics, trading and much more with a personalized and a planned course where each student will be mentored and would be given personal attention. In today’s digital world courses like coding and robotics seem really necessary for one to learn and is a skill based course. Skill Clan is a fun tool for kids to exercise their desire to build, curiosity to question, imagination to explore- traits that will serve any child.
Incubees: Tell us about your team, journey and start-up.
Akash: We all are undergraduates currently pursuing Bachelors in Technology from various institutes. Our journey is similar to a child coming from a middle-class family. We joined B. Tech while having different career ambitions in our minds. We got together to develop a solution for a problem we all faced. Skill Clan is a skill-based learning academy for Children. We provide affordable skill classes to kids and students on several hot topics that pique the curiosity of young minds. Some of those topics are programming, money management, robotics, web development, etc.
We understand that every kid is unique in itself. As time progresses, our creativity is reduced, along with a decrease in excitement levels. Thus, we strive to give a genuine learning experience to youngsters, enabling them to turn their ideas into reality regardless of their age. So that their dreams don’t fade with time.
Incubees: Your initiative of starting an online learning academy is commendable, tell us more about the programmes you offer.
Akash: Since this is the beginning, we will start with some staple courses. For example, we offer a ‘PyChamp course’, which will teach them the basics of python programming while developing logical thinking. We are also working on a ‘Web development’ and ‘money management’ course for children. This will allow them to explore their interests beforehand and have clear goals for the near future.
Incubees: Tell the viewers/readers about the perks and certification you provide to them.
Akash: On completing a particular course, the student will receive a certificate of completion and some cool goodies. They will also have access to a 3-month window for revision classes and lifetime mentorship, which will let them contact us any time they want. Along with this, they will join our premium discord community, where youngsters can interact with their peers and grow together.
Incubees: Tell us about the thought process behind this idea.
Akash: Our idea, like several others, came into existence due to necessity. Our country globally has the largest population comprising youngsters but we aren’t at any distinct advantage when we should be at one. That is because a lot of young people are unemployed. The lack of skills may seem to be the immediate reason, but the root cause lies in our education system and the mindset of our youth. Kids are born scientists, explorers and inventors. However, they too join the herd because their zeal isn’t supported by the decades-old education system.
Young students need to be nurtured just like young saplings. They must be allowed to grow and explore, which can’t happen if they don’t get the chance to learn more about their interests.
With this thought, we decided to put the tech boom to good use.
We set the aim to create an educational service so good that it motivates students to learn unique skills, all by themselves. The result will be a power-packed young generation that will finally take India to the ‘Super-power’ pedestal.
Incubees: Nowadays, everything is online, even education, have you faced any difficulties due to COVID-19?
Akash: The COVID-19 Pandemic has been devastating for families and businesses alike. However, by God’s grace, we have not faced many difficulties. Instead, we see this as an opportunity. Since everything is online, it becomes easier for kids to attend classes wherever they want.
Another plus point is that it will be easy for us to scale up our business now that everything’s online.
However, our path has some thorns too. We can’t organize physical meet-ups. Even though there are many facilities online, a good, old physical meeting gets the job done better.
Incubees: Tell us about your team and what keeps them going.
Akash: Currently, our team stands strong at four people, with hopes of more people joining us. Akash primarily handles the finances and takes care of marketing. Utkarsh is the senior mentor in our team and also contributes to Internal Management. Saksham is the Web Developer and Social Media Handler. Mayank is the primary content head while contributing to Web Development. All of us equally add our inputs to the revenue model.
Uttkarsh Saksham Akash Mayank
Our team is fuelled by motivation and the will to not let students face difficulty learning new skills, which we had to face. That is our ultimate mission, which is why we created this platform. This way, all of us grow together.
Incubees: What would you like to say to the budding Entrepreneurs?
Akash: To all the young Entrepreneurs reading this, this is the perfect time and opportunity. Give it your all. Mark these words, you won’t regret it.
To know more, visit their website: