PFC signs agreement with IIT- Kanpur for Entrepreneurship Development in Smart Grid Technology

New Delhi: Power Finance Corporation (PFC), a PSU under Ministry of Power and country’s leading NBFC, signed a MoA with Indian Institute of Technology- Kanpur (IIT-K) for Training, Research, and Entrepreneurship Development in Smart Grid Technology. Under the MoA, PFC will provide financial assistance of Rs. 2,38,97,000/- (Rupees Two Crore Thirty Eight Lakhs and Ninety Seven Thousand only) to IIT-K under its CSR initiative.
R. Murahari, Executive Director (CSR&SD), PFC informed that the objective of the pact is to provide support to IIT-K in developing infrastructure for research and development on smart grid technology. As part of project, IIT-K will also provide training on smart grid technology to 90 participants and provide fellowship to 9 selected candidates for development of ideas on Smart Grid Technology.
The fellows will be assisted by Start-up Innovation and Incubation Centre (SIIC) of IIT-K and encouraged to take up entrepreneurial activities.