Astro, a subsidiary of AVP received US $4.5 M to extend ’15 min e-commerce delivery’

Astro, an Indonesian rapid commerce company, has obtained an early investment of US $4.5 million (IDR 64 billion).
Global Founders Capital, AC Ventures, Lightspeed Venture Partners, and Goodwater Capital are among the investors.
The funding will be used to develop the startup’s technical and operations staff as well as expand into other locations in Jakarta.
Astro, which was founded by Vincent Tjendra, a former associate vice president of Tokopedia, sells over 1,000 goods ranging from everyday essentials (snacks, fresh fruit, and veggies) to emergency over-the-counter pharmaceuticals. The company claims to deliver products in 15 minutes and is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Customers in the Senayan, Permata Hijau, Gandaria, Kuningan, SCBD, Kemang, Cilandak, Cipete, Puri Indah, Kebon Jeruk, Kelapa Gading, and PIK (Pantai Indah Kapuk) regions are currently served by Astro.
By December 2021, the e-commerce firm will have expanded to the Jakarta region (and parts of Greater Jakarta).
“Astro’s quick commerce service will fundamentally change the way millions of Indonesian consumers buy their basic daily needs, electronics, snacks, and pet food,” said Melvin Hade, partner at Global Founders Capital.
Indonesia is the country with the most active online buying population, which is still growing in the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic. In Indonesia, 87.1 percent of internet users utilise online shopping services to purchase things such as food and other needs.