BSE SME Platform lists Samor Reality, Adishakti Loha & Ispat

Samor Reality Limited became the 352nd firm to list on the BSE SME Platform, while Adishakti Loha and Ispat Limited became the 353rd.
Samor Reality Limited raised Rs. 8.06 crores in an initial public offering of 13,00,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each for cash at a price of Rs 62 per equity share.
On October 5, 2021, the business successfully completed its first public offering.
Samor Reality Limited is a Gujarat-based corporation with an Ahmedabad registered office. Construction of residential and commercial developments is the company’s primary business. By focusing on creative architecture, strong project execution, and high-quality construction, the firm has been able to produce a diverse range of projects. The firm wants to take advantage of the prospects in the real estate industry, and its activities may include all areas of real estate development. TMT Bars and HR Sheets of various sizes are also traded by the firm. Samor Real’s main manager was Ahmedabad-based Beeline Broking Limited.
Adishakti Loha And Ispat Limited issued an initial public offering (IPO) of 18,20,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each for cash at a price of Rs.11 per equity share, totaling Rs.2.00 crores. On October 5, 2021, the business was conducted a successful public offering.
Delhi-based Adishakti Loha and Ispat Limited The corporation is in the metals trading sector, with an emphasis on the Iron and Steel trade. The business operates on a B2B model, which means it orders products and does not keep inventory because the goods are delivered straight from the supplier to the consumers. Adishakti Loha And Ispat Limited’s main manager was Turnaround Corporate Advisors Private Limited, located in Delhi.