Healthcare needs to go from being reactive to proactive, Spotify launches ‘Neko’

Deniel EK Founder and CEO of Spotify is launching a new startup that will be in the healthcare sector. This startup is definitely distinctly different as compared to Spotify and will be called ‘Neko Health’. It aims to offer full-body scans which lets doctors detect anomalies in the human body that could lead to serious conditions.
Spotify’s team is launching this startup after conducting extensive research in the healthcare sector. Founder and CEO of Neko Hjalmar Nilsonne said “Early detection and prevention of serious illness would mean that we can avoid both the human suffering and the high social costs that serious illness entails. With our technology and AI, that future is now a possibility. This could be the basis for a whole new era in healthcare.”
At present Neko Health has built a health clinic in Stockholm, where they practice non-invasive treatments which will be conducted after a consultation with the doctor. These examinations will gather and store data of all patients with the primary aim being to collect about 50 million data points about the human body vitals such as the heart, vessels, skin, respiration, inflammation and much more.
The problem Neko is focusing on is the fact that doctors do not have quick access to resources in order to take care of preventive diseases. Early detection and preventive care are the focal points which this health care system will follow. “Hjalmar and I founded Neko with the insight that large parts of today’s healthcare system were designed over 50 years ago. At the same time, healthcare has for a long time had an unsustainable cost trend and a heavily burdened medical profession. If we are to be able to reverse that trend, I’m convinced that healthcare needs to go from being reactive today to acting proactively. Isn’t it strange that since 1965 we inspect our cars every year — but we wait until our bodies fall apart before we do something about it?” said Deniel Ek, Founder, and CEO of Spotify.