Made to Live: A Physician’s Journey to Save Lives

MONTREAL, Sept. 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ – On September 15th, Dr. Paul Saba, an American and Canadian physician who has worked in underdeveloped countries, will release Made to Live, an inspiring book about his deeply personal journey to save lives.
The journey begins with his story of his daughter Jessica who was born with a severe heart abnormality (
The doctors told Dr. Saba and his wife, Marisa that their pre-born daughter, Jessica had little chance of survival, and if she lived she would have a poor quality of life.
Despite doctor’s persistent recommendations to abort her up to 24 weeks during the pregnancy, Dr. Saba and his wife, Marisa, were determined to save Jessica. When the delivery date approached, they were asked how aggressively the medical team should intervene to save Jessica after she was born. Marisa courageously responded: “I have done everything to come this far, and you do everything you need to do to keep her alive.” Jessica is now a flourishing, energetic 11-year old.
“Every human life is valuable whether you are pre-born, after birth and even at the end of a long life—never give up, always have hope. You are valuable because you are made to live,” Dr. Saba reiterates in Made to Live.
Published by Winnipeg-based Word Alive Press, Made to Live tells for the first-time Dr. Saba’s story of growing up in a family rooted in service to life. Even the book’s creation was a family affair. The title comes from a drawing by Jessica when she was seven years old. The book’s cover was designed by their son, John-Anthony. Eldest daughter Eliana contributed a chapter about saving children’s lives in the underdeveloped world.
A family physician in his birthplace of Montreal, Canada, Dr. Saba draws on his years as a doctor, husband and father to help debunk the mythology that life is just one more disposable commodity.
The books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Chapters, Indigo, Apple iBooks, Kobo, Google Play, Kindle, and Scribd vendors. The book will soon be available in other languages.