Challenge Fund for Youth Employment searches for new employment-generating ideas for African youth

The Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE) is looking for ideas to help young people in Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, and Senegal find jobs or improve the jobs they already have.
The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ flagship seven-year CFYE program is run by Palladium, Randstad, and VSO. By supporting youth employment initiatives in these regions, it seeks to create a prosperous future for young people in the Middle East, North Africa, Sahel and West Africa, and the Horn of Africa.
The fund releases a thematic call for concept notes twice a year, inviting applicants to submit their ideas for projects that address a challenge in a particular nation or region.
Concept notes will be evaluated after submission by an expert panel and youth representatives. Those who are chosen will be asked to submit a complete business case.
To maximize the delivery of results after projects are chosen for implementation, specific technical support will also be made available.
Till September 4, separate application procedures are open for Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, and Senegal.